Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh how I clown thee, let me count the ways...

This dude stays losing. WHY GARY WHY?!!! First off, the jean shacket bro? "You're killin me smalls!" And yes I said SHACKET...that's a shirt and a jacket combined...I don't know if he's standing with his arms like that because the shacket is so constricting or if he's gotta pee really bad after not finding any rest stops while on his road trip with his super shweet S(h)aturn convertible...oh boy..what to clown on next...the lips dawg (pause)....srsly?...fuck powdered donuts man...you look like you been snacking on asbestos flavored pringles...and last but CERTAINLY not least..the LIME GREEN CROCS....shoot yourself in the face


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